How to Make the VoIP Transition Easy?

VoIP will save your business a lot of time and money, but only if you can successfully manoeuver your company through the transition to the new system, a task that is easier said than done.

Change is always scary, especially change that is as drastic as a new VoIP phone system. That being said, you have nothing to fear. You can trust us to guide you through the entire process.

And if possible, you should consider doing the following to make the transition smoother:


You need to identify the employees who will manage the VoIP aspect of your operations. If you have IT personnel on hand, take the time to train them. VoIP isn’t a complicated system.

But if you want the transition to proceed in an orderly manner, you need to have a particular individual that you can trust to spearhead the undertaking. You cannot manage your business whilst also overseeing the VoIP transition.

Step back and let someone more knowledgeable oversee this project. It will definitely make things easier for us because we don’t have to wonder about the chain of command or who we need to consult to make certain important decisions.


If the notion of abandoning your old phone system in favour of VoIP scares you, the easiest way to overcome your anxiety is to create a pilot project. Find one section of your company that you can use as your testing field, a department to which you can introduce VoIP.

This will allow you to investigate the technology, identifying all the benefits and potential risks in an environment that you can control. If VoIP meets your expectations on that small scale, you can expand it to encompass your entire business.

Pilot projects are also an effective means of convincing reluctant employees to give VoIP a shot.


When it comes to introducing VoIP to your business, we have a critical role to play. And while we do our part, as we take all the necessary preparatory steps, you can start working to clear our path of all potential obstacles by upgrading your broadband to a superfast service.

VoIP relies heavily on the internet. Do not just presume that your network has the capacity required to support VoIP. Investigate your set up. Look at all your cables and switches and service providers.

If there are any kinks in your infrastructure, fix them. Change service providers if necessary. Make sure your network is in a position to carry the weight of the VoIP Phone System we will introduce to your company.


Traditional PSTN phone systems keep running in the event of a power outage because their electrical needs are met by the copper phone lines. VoIP is not so lucky. VoIP office equipment usually relies on a router with ethernet ports for the IP handsets to plug in too.  These won’t work during a power outage, however with our mobile softphone app, you can continue to make and receive calls these VoIP calls via your smartphone.

Are you interested in a VoIPer VoIP phone system? Then don’t wait any longer. Call us today, free on 0800 332 266 to talk with one of our team.

Choosing a VoIP Phone System