UK Geographic Numbers
A VoIPer geographic phone number lets your customers call you on the local area phone code of your choice. So you can have a number that appears to be in London even if you're based in Glasgow, for example. Your first two numbers are completely free, too!

Get a local presence – nationwide!
With a VoIPer geographic number connected to your VoIP system you can make your business appear to be located anywhere in the UK.
You can give your customers and clients a phone number that’s ‘located’ wherever you’d like to appear. They simply call this number and are none the wiser, your actual geographic location is concealed — even if you’re based overseas.
Outgoing calls show the number too
What’s more, when you call out using the VoIPer network, the geographic number is shown to the person you’re calling, exactly as if you were using a traditional landline and calling from the location displayed.
Great for campaign tracking
VoIPer geographic numbers are a great way to add an extra dimension to your latest advertising campaign. You can test and track incoming telephone responses exclusively generated by the campaign.
Free incoming calls
With VoIPer, you don’t pay any additional charges for receiving incoming calls on any of your geographic numbers.
Where would you like to be?
You can choose your numbers from virtually any geographic region for your VoIPer network.
Find out more
Choose your VoIPer geographic numbers online, or call us on 0800 332 266 to find out more and to order your numbers.
Virtual Geographic Number Pricing at a glanceFrom £9.95 / mo |
Included incoming minutes each month: | Unlimited |
Make calls from this number? | Yes |
Outbound calls included: | 500 minutes a month |
Minimum contract: | 12 Months |
Cost to caller: | Standard Geographic |
Find out more
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