Receive and Make Business Calls From Home, From Your Office or From Your Mobile

The age of working remotely is here – and whether or not that is thanks to the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s pretty clear that more and more businesses are pivoting towards home working. However, for long-established or traditional offices, breaking away from a physical location isn’t always so simple. That, thankfully, is where […]

The age of working remotely is here – and whether or not that is thanks to the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s pretty clear that more and more businesses are pivoting towards home working. However, for long-established or traditional offices, breaking away from a physical location isn’t always so simple.

That, thankfully, is where VoIP comes in to help make things that little bit easier. When it comes to giving your team the free reign to work from home, you’re going to need systems and services they, and you, can rely on.

VoIP – which allows you to run all of your voice communications through your data connection – is not only helping to make things more efficient for companies and employees in the office but is also helping them to open things up even broader – outside of the cubicle!

How is VoIP Helping to Change Remote Working?

VoIPer is pleased to be able to offer reliable, flexible communications people can connect with on the go. Instead of relying on a single physical location and connection, you can connect to VoIP from your smartphone, laptop, tablet or otherwise via app, meaning that whether you are at home, in the coffee shop or in your own private office, you will always be able to connect to the same efficient standards you’d normally expect at your HQ.

With the world going ever more mobile, it really does make sense to make use of the best technology available. VoIP provides voice communication through data, meaning that there is never any need for you to rely on the same old copper lines and telephony.

What’s more, all the tech we use to keep your lines active is completely off-site. That means less fuss for you in-house, and it means that you can continue to split team members away to work remotely as and when you desire.

Could VoIP Save You Money Through Remote Working?

Absolutely! Remote working in itself of course has its own costs and challenges, but the fact is, there are all kinds of financial challenges you will commonly come across through basic telephony and cabling.

By splitting your team members to work remotely through VoIP, you will save money in terms of travel subsidies, and what’s more, you won’t have to regularly shell out for line rental and regular maintenance. A single, scalable contract with VoIPer is all you need.

Working remotely has a raft of benefits for just about everyone. There’s less time wasted with people needing to get to a single office. There’s zero reliance on transport, and all you need to do to help your team get started is to set them up on a simple, appealing VoIP app or program that’s built to be intuitive.

Could VoIP Remote Working Be Right for You?

As the pandemic rolls on, it’s clear that if you are able to work from home, you should. This is not only proving to be safer from a health perspective, it’s also proving to be hugely efficient and cost effective for many businesses and their employees the world over.

VoIP is quickly becoming the mainstream choice for modern communication, both in the workplace and outside of it. With remote working at an all time peak, it’s clear that there needs to be more resources and support for flexible comms. VoIPer is here to not only help you bridge the gaps in getting remote working set up, but also to ensure that you have a reliable, scalable communications service for years and years to come.

Call VoIPer now to learn more – or, if you prefer, make a point of checking out our packages and services online. Let moving to VoIP, and setting up flexible remote working, be the best choice you make in 2021.